Monday, December 5, 2011

Time Analysis and Continuity

"The epitome of Continuity"
Time Analysis and Continuity is a product of the everlasting motions of the Earth as it makes a sojourn to the vast and enormous Universe.The planetary motions and all the components and galaxies form a myriad of substances that were,are and will be as long as it is the will of the designer of existence and the Universe that it should be according to his design.
As time goes and continue to be existence as a platform of being also continues to give meaning to those that are and continue being part of this existence.The ticking of the clock and the quantification of this element of time is a product of series and combination of different cycular patterns and or which influences EXISTENCE in a very unique way that has not been unvailed to the human knowledge.
There is a lot of information that has been generated from this so immence and large enough that it has led to knowledge explosion-hence Explosion of Timology Concepts.Therefore,We wish to indicate that,the Continuity of Existence and the Analysis of Time is a relatively new aspect of knowledge that is being put across for humanity with the aim of championing the course of knowledge for humanity.
Go to the link:http://www.timologyvok.blogspot.com

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Explosion of Timology Concepts

In nature,the acquisition of knowledge and the discernment of wisdom are so crucial that all these leads to the creation and development of concepts necessary for a minimum threshold of human survival.As man interacts in with the environment,it calls for his Understanding of the purpose and role in the very environment he is a part of,his readiness and willingness to appreciate and cherish his well-being and role in the interaction and finally on his readiness to appreciate and co-operate with the other elements of the diverse Universe.Based on the principle of Understanding,Change and Co-operation,we endeavour to champion the course of this wisdom for the enlightenment of the human race.
The purpose of the creation of the site http://timologyvok.blogspot.com/  blog was to find out the extent to which the Human Race has interacted with Timology Concept in the internet.The creation of awareness and passage of ideas to humanity with regard to His Time and Existence is the essence of this site.In Timologylive get the feeling of being part and parcel of the existing world of knowledge creation

Timology Concepts

Timology Concepts is a blog that tends to deal with those concepts related to time and the interaction of time with the environment.It focuses on the time and continuity as the destiny of existence.It shows the philosophical implication of time relative to the existence theory.In this blog a number of issues are addressed ranging from inventions,innovation,interaction and networking for the sake of championing Knowledge for humanity.Welcome to this great reading of the time.Enjoy your time with TIMOLOGY CONCEPTS!